

A food ingredient is any substance that is added to a food to achieve a desired effect. The term “food ingredient” includes food additives, which are substances added to foods for specific technical and/or functional purposes during processing, storage or packaging.

Halal ingredients in food and products are the important thing for Muslim consumers, and for the exporters to obtain halal certification.

According to Islamic guidelines Muslim followers cannot consume the pork by products, animals that were dead prior to slaughtering, animals not slaughtered properly or not slaughtered in the name of Allah, blood and blood by products and product that contain alcohol.

Vegetarian foods and ingredients, not counting alcohol, are halal by nature. Likewise, personal care products and pharmaceutical products that include animal products are very likely not halal.

See the halal and haram ingredients below:


Partial List of Halal (Permissible) Ingredients:

Antioxidants: Chemical compounds used to protect certain food components from being destroyed or lost through oxidation. Anti oxidants are helpful also in neutralizing free radicals in the body.

Ascorbic acid: Vitamin C.

Benzoate (Benzoic acid): Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate are used in food preservation.

Biotin: A member of the B complex vitamins.

BHA: An antioxidant, preservative.

BHT: An antioxidant, preservative.

Citric Acid: Sources are plant, usually of the citrus family. (e.g. orange, lime, lemon, etc.).

Cobalamine: Synthetically prepared Vitamin B12.

Dextrin: An emulsifying, sizing, and thickening agent.

Fiber: Sources are plant. Provide roughage to diet.

Fructose: Fruit sugar.

Gliadin (Gluten): Protein found in wheat and rye.

Hydrogenated Oil: Vegetable oil being hydrogenated making it solid at room temperature.

Iodine: A nutrient mineral for thyroid gland.

Lecithin: Emulsifier of fat. In the USA, sources are mainly soybean and egg yolk.

Lipids: Essential fatty acids found in fish, plant and animals. If source is animal; it is suspected.

Malt: A kind of fermented grain.

Molasses: Syrup liquid obtained in refining sugar.

MSG: Flavoring. Imparts meat flavor to foods.

Niacin: One of the B complex vitamins.

PABA: A food supplement.

Pectin: A gelatinous substance extracted from fruits.

Propionic acid: A preservative.

Riboflavin: One of the B complex vitamins. Usually the source is synthetic.

Sweetener: Substance that gives a sweet taste.

Thiamin: One of the B complex vitamins.

Vanillin: Flavoring agent, extracted from vanilla.

Vitamin A: If source are plant and synthetic, it is Halal.

Vitamin C: Natural sources are from plant. (e.g. citrus fruit, tomatoes, etc).

Vitamin D: Natural sources are yeast and fish liver oil. Also synthetically produced.

Vitamin E: Rich sources of Vitamin E are vegetable oils. When source is synthetic, it is Halal. If source is animal, it is suspected.

Water: Solvent, nutrient most vital to human’s existence.

Food Yeast: Microscopic, unicellular, fungus used for fermentation process and in baking bread.


Partial List of Haram (Prohibited) Products in Islam:

  “Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat; blood; the flesh of swine; and that on which hath been invoked the name pf other than Allah; that which hath been killed by strangling; or by violent blow; or by a headlong fall; or by being gored to death: that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal, unless ye are able to slaughter it (in due form); that which is scarified on stone (altars); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by raffling with arrows: that is impiety” (Quran: 5:3). 

Based on the Islamic low, the Haram substances are classified under three main categories: Dead Meat, Flowing Blood and Pork. According to the Islamic Fiqh (interpretation and ruling by Muslim scholars), a product is considered Haram (prohibited)- to consume or use- if it contains, derived from.

Bacon: A side of pig meat (pork).

Choletsorol: type of fat always of animal origin. If extracted from Zabiha animal, it is Halal.

Diglyceride: Emulsifier. If of animal origin it should be suspected till the source is known.

Gelatin (Jello Gelatin): Usually of animal origin, mostly from pig. If extracted from a dhabiha animal, then it is halal

Glycerol (Glycerine): It could be of animal, plant or Glyceryl-Stearate synthetic origin. If animal source is used, it is suspected.

Hormones: Usually animal hormones are used for human consumption. One has to find out the source before passing a judgement.

Lard: Fat from swine particulaly found in the abdominal cavity. Totally Haram for us.

Magnesium Stearate (stearic acid): Used as an active ingredient in medicine tablets. Haram when derived from animal source.

Mono Glycerides: When derived from animal source. (Halal when the source is plant).

Pepsin: A digestive enzyme mostly from pig stomach.

Rennin (Rennet): A protein Enzyme. Usually not labeled. (In most cheeses).

Shortening: Fats and oils of animal origin. Animal/Lard

Vanilla: Extracted using alcohol.

Vitamins: Haram when from animal source. Mostly the source is synthetic or plant and are Halal.


Notes:  There are minor differences among the various Islamic Schools of Thought regarding some of the ingredients mentioned above.